Saturday 10 December 2011

Count your Blessings!

 Ever felt like life is a bunch full of bitter herbs and all you can do is to choose the least bitter? Well that was my day today. In my book of records I’d note it as one of my worst days….but was it? My day started on a low note; too much pressure at work and family issues.

It seems like everything I touched or encountered was sent to make my day gloomy. I was so focused on all the things that were not working and thanks to this I had terrible headache. Well after a long day and a night of insomnia; I have had the opportunity to analyze my day with a clear mind.

I just remembered last Sunday’s sermon with resounding clarity. Faith does not shield me from challenges it just helps me to stand and face them. And as the old adage goes…when life gives lemons make lemonades. That is to say whatever challenge life throws at you make the best out of it or at least learn something! And here are my lessons today.

I have decided to count my blessings as the good old hymn says. First, I woke up in the morning! This is the first blessing, that God gave me breath and an opportunity to enjoy life regardless the hurdles. When I woke in the morning, the first thing I did was to think about the source of my stress, yet I had a brilliant reason to jump out of bed, rejoice and usher my day with a positive spirit. 

Second, I had good health. Just because you woke up doesn’t guarantee you’ll get out of that bed! And here is another blessing I forgot to count. A friend of mine called me asking for me to help mobilize guys to urgently donate blood for a friend. This shook me out of my pity partying mood! I realized that good health is a gift that I need to be thankful about. Someone somewhere is in a hospital bed praying not for riches but for health.

Third, I had a job! Well this is one blessing that my fellow employee would agree we take for granted. I remember the days when I was searching for a job; I would wake up so early and pray to God to give me a job. I even promised myself that I would work so hard that my employer would never regret!

While sometime job pressure may take toil on your emotional well-being, it is important to appreciate the challenges it presents. There is nothing in life that does not have a flip side, even the roses that are a culmination of beauty and love have thorns and they sting too!

Well if you list your blessings and count them one by one, you’ll be surprised at how rich you are. As the saying go, your attitude determines your altitude! It is not the challenges that count but your state of mind. While I would have made my day productive, I focused on the negatives instead of the positives that were all over staring at me.

Life is what you make it. If you sulk at it will definitely sulk back at you! Ask me, I have learnt from experience! From now henceforth I purpose to have a positive mind. I pray God for the wisdom to change the things that I can and to adapt positively to the things that are not within my power to change. 

I count my blessing this morning…..there are so many things on that list that will bring a smile to my face. Thanks to my insomnia…I hereby make my lemonades!