Wednesday 12 October 2011

Hope: The Breath of Life

Hold my hand....walk with me, til I see a ray of hope.

For many years October has been a month like any other. Though declared as the Breast Cancer Awareness has never struck a deeper meaning in me like it has in 2011. 

Early this year, my friend was diagnosed with breast cancer in its second stage. I remember vividly the fun we had preparing for the coming of her baby. Shopping was the norm, and we would not pass tiny baby clothes without stopping. So you can imagine the excitement when the news came through that it's a baby girl.

The next day we streamed into the hospital to shower the baby girl with our blessings and love. As usual our two friends outdid each other in buying the biggest congratulation card to the mother. And we truly had fun! One of us had achieved a milestone...and we had all the plans set for beautiful times ahead.

A week later, I am feeling unwell. I decide to go to Meridian hospital in Buru Buru for a check up. The doctor assures me that its nothing serious, but asks me to rest, and resume work the following day. I think to myself, what a better way to rest than spend time with the beautiful new born baby.

I decide to call my friend and inform her of my visit. I make the call, I am excited...I will see baby Azmina.
Instead of her usual excited voice, her husband answers. I am surprised as this had never happened! Her husband continues to break news that my mind refuses to grasp. He informs me that she is getting ready for an operation. shocked and disoriented, I disconnect the call. I call up a close girlfriend to find out what the problem is.

I am devastated by the news. My friend has breast cancer! I am confused, how can she have cancer? To me cancer was an illness I read about on papers. All this time, I am walking up and down Buru, oblivious of where I am going. Tears sting my eyes, and my heart aches for my friend. I am awaken from my trail of thoughts by a conductor who asks me if I am okay.

It takes time to compose myself; I call her back to wish her the best and my prayers. She receives the call and all she asks me to do is pray for her. When I get home, I go down on my knees and say a prayer for my friend. At her trying moment, she did not ask for much, she only asked for a prayer.

It has been a long journey. Her recovery from the operation, her battle with chemo, and her bravery spirit throughout radiotherapy sessions. And one thing that I have learnt is that cancer is not a death sentence!

During this trying moments, I have come to appreciate the gift of friendship. It is during this time that we learnt how to laugh, to make every moment count, and to dance our way out of worry. We have spent more time together; we have cooked, attended support group sessions, and even danced to the beats of life. And most of all, the experience has made me realize the power of positive thinking.

If you have a friend battling with cancer; support, love, and offer them positive thinking. While cancer is not a death sentence, it does not come without challenges! As a friend you can only hold their hands, walk with them, til you see a ray of hope!

Over the last few months, cancer stopped being a distant disease to me! I now know that anyone can be affected and it is a high time that we all create awareness in our own ways. Do self examination, teach someone, and leave the people around you more informed about cancer than they were before.

Hope is the breath of life....we can lose anything else in life but the moment we lose hope, we die! If you know anyone battling with cancer, become a constant source of hope. If you're battling with cancer, refuse to lose hope.

And in this month of October, say a prayer for someone battling with cancer. I personally pray for my friend and others to receive complete healing from our God for He is well able.

Have a hopeful day!

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