Tuesday 11 October 2011

Take the First Step

A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.

 I came across a book titled 'Screw It, Let's Do It' written by Richard Branson. My first reaction to the title was 'okay' but as I read the book the title made more sense to me. In this book, Richard Branson shares one of his underlying principle to success- Just do it!

A renown business man, Richard seems to have fun in everything he does. He believes in working hard and playing hard as well. But what stroke a cord with me in this book is the simple way of starting things. If you have a dream, or you want to start something, Just Do It, as Richard says.

Just Do It! Sounds simple doesn't it? Well if it were that simple, we would have the greatest inventions on the earth. If people were to share their dreams, you'd be surprised of the many solutions we would have to the problems we grapple with today.

Someone said that the graveyard is the wealthiest place. People die with ideas due to the fear of failure. As I look back into my life, there are many times that I have had brilliant ideas, but the fear of failure could not let me. While starting a thing, or sharing your idea may attract critics, think of the possibility of success instead of failure.

As I write this, my brother who was running for a post in campus called me with disappointment in his voice. "I fell short with nine votes." he says. I try to make him look at the bright side of things. He hadn't failed. He was able to convince all the other people to vote for him, that's not easy! He also learnt a thing or two about campaigns.And most of all, he now knows he can be, and is a leader!

So if you have an idea, just do it. If it doesn't work, discover other ways the idea can work.
Once you believe in what you're doing and have a plan to achieve it. Keep at it, do not be swayed.

Thomas Edison an inventor of the light bulb, made 1000 attempts with no success. When asked by a reporter how he felt about failing a thousand times, he answered, "I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

think about it, if Edison gave up at the tenth step, would we have the light bulb today? This is a simple lesson for many inventors out there. Don't give up! Take the first step, and a long the way, have fun as you make your thousand steps.

This is my first step in this journey! Bon Voyage!

1 comment:

  1. Steps are always going to be there...when you look back and see how far you have come...even if its ten steps...you will always smile!
